how many tym shud i stated here? tat i am not ANOREXIC!
y shud u spread out the rumours n disgrace me?
fils like i wana slap ur pretty face n make u feel pain..
but y shud i?
i dun tink its worthy to waste my tym argueing with a childish person like u!
i eat regularly...n i never do diet!
i dun fear of gaining my weight!
i took some vitamin n medication to GAIN MY WEIGHT instead..
dun tell me to go c the doctor coz i did tat b4,
n i still got the same answer tat i haf a super high metabolism rate
tat make its hard for me to gain my weight!
i never like tis thing..
i mean my weight!
i do feel like i wana eat evrything just to make me gain sum weight!
but i was wrong coz it will nevr happend!
plus,i shud eat healthy..not randomly..
which can lead me to unhealthy life
its not tat i want it..
everynyt i do pray for god to help me become more gmuk..
so dun u tink tat im asking for tis..
i hate it wen people came to me n said tat my waist n wrist is too small...
i dun ask for it ok?
i tried so hard to make it bigger n more chubby but tis stupid mtblsm dun let me..
so plis stop telling me tat..
coz i do concern..
im just tired of trying..
anyway i shud be so thankfull to haf my family n frens who accepted me the way i am
without any complain...
coz they knew me myself oso dislike tis weight issues..
n they knew tat ive tried my best ody..
i still love my body...
eventho its not too curvy like wat u got there..
but at least i have pair of legs
pair of hands..
complete fingers..
cute small butt n breast..
i appreciate it alot..
tehre still alot of people out there who didnt haf legs or hands..
then y shud i complain?
this weight issues will soon be gone..
last but not least..
im 42 kg's..
height 152
n not pretty at all..
but i love myself!
p/s : thank u for loving me..=)