how many tym shud i stated here? tat i am not ANOREXIC!
y shud u spread out the rumours n disgrace me?
fils like i wana slap ur pretty face n make u feel pain..
but y shud i?
i dun tink its worthy to waste my tym argueing with a childish person like u!
i eat regularly...n i never do diet!
i dun fear of gaining my weight!
i took some vitamin n medication to GAIN MY WEIGHT instead..
dun tell me to go c the doctor coz i did tat b4,
n i still got the same answer tat i haf a super high metabolism rate
tat make its hard for me to gain my weight!
i never like tis thing..
i mean my weight!
i do feel like i wana eat evrything just to make me gain sum weight!
but i was wrong coz it will nevr happend!
plus,i shud eat healthy..not randomly..
which can lead me to unhealthy life
its not tat i want it..
everynyt i do pray for god to help me become more gmuk..
so dun u tink tat im asking for tis..
i hate it wen people came to me n said tat my waist n wrist is too small...
i dun ask for it ok?
i tried so hard to make it bigger n more chubby but tis stupid mtblsm dun let me..
so plis stop telling me tat..
coz i do concern..
im just tired of trying..
anyway i shud be so thankfull to haf my family n frens who accepted me the way i am
without any complain...
coz they knew me myself oso dislike tis weight issues..
n they knew tat ive tried my best ody..
i still love my body...
eventho its not too curvy like wat u got there..
but at least i have pair of legs
pair of hands..
complete fingers..
cute small butt n breast..
i appreciate it alot..
tehre still alot of people out there who didnt haf legs or hands..
then y shud i complain?
this weight issues will soon be gone..
last but not least..
im 42 kg's..
height 152
n not pretty at all..
but i love myself!
p/s : thank u for loving me..=)
pay no mind to what people said about ur weight! jgn ko risau san at least u r real than those bastards. kalo buli sy derma suma lemak2 sy sma ko bah. :P- DAZZ cucu mu.
ReplyDeletehaha,yeah! i shud,tpi tehy kip talking bah dazz! if only saya boleh jahit mulut dorng tu, mentg2 body dorng mcm model,tu breast pun mcm mau tkluar..mau juga umpat saya yg teda2 ni..s**t,hehe
ReplyDeletenenek syg ko cucu ku
alar babe..besa la tu mulut2 tu..haha jgn risau..yeahh ilike when u said u love urself..at least u know wat r u duin kan..they just envy..leave them wit their words..hwhe
My girlfriend weighs only 30 kg...
ReplyDeleteand she's not anorexic also...
Some people are just born skinny... They eat regularly but their metabolism is high...
However, most skinny girls tend to grow big after being pregnant... Their metabolism got reversed...
So, better prepare to be fat after pregnant :-P
omg! im so not prepared to be faty after prgnt,haha