mine =)

its 8.05 pm now..keep waiting for his msg..aduiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..i hate this situation...
will be lonely for 8 dayssssssssss..
20 jan 2012 :
got funny things happend after he fetch me from the airport tat evening..
it was my fault...being childish until suffocating each other lungs..
till i almost get lost in a mall..
hes texting,looking for me..i didnt answer..
hoping for him to come n look for me..
but last2 i end up shopping alone..
but we sort things out tat nyt..ilysm
*sorry bbb* sob~sob
going out tat nyt with his frenz..
doesnt have much fun since its almost close when we arrived there..
back home n sleep...zzzz
21 jan 2012:
going bek to keningau the next day..
n im staying at his house since my family arent coming bek from LD vacay yet..
same routine everytime im here..
we will go eat~watch movies~goin out~sleep
never get tired of this..i just love doin everything with him.
22 jan 2012:
goin breakfast with his friends tat morning..
i remember being super hungry,but the waiter keep sending our food one by one..
funny..but im hungry then i guess its annoying.
goin to Tenom on 6 pm..
makan besar with him n his whole family...
seeing his popo tat nyt..
hes whispering * macam muka popo jaychou kan????* LOL..
hes trying to make me calm down alilbit i guess..thnx bb
after dinner hes on for Judi-mode
i let him spending his time with his cousins n family..
while im stuck with this lil boy name johnny...from my bf side..
his mum told me that he dun usually get used to someone that he didnt knew...
haha..its proven that i can be a good babysittarzzzzz oneday..
few hours past..im getting really slippy oredy but he stil gambling with his fam..
keep asking him *pulang~pulang~pulang*
goin bek to kilang..
but hes goin out...
then i stay at his home alone..
mandi air limau n then im goin to sleep..
12.05 am..
firecrackers everywhere..
goin out n c his fam playing with FC with his dady holding an umbrella *its raing k*
i just realised that hes not goin home yet..
luckily hes helping his koko fetching his gf bek kilng..
if not im gona explode fr sure...
almost 2am..hes coming bek..
been open my eyes for 2 mints..
look at him..reminding him about tat mandi air limau thing n ZZZZZ
waking up the next day..hes there =)
23 jan 2012:
GONG HEI FATT CHOI everybadiiiiiii..
waking up early coz we need to go to Tenom for CNY celebration.
on my way to taking my bath but the current is off..pnya rsakkkkk
no hot water for us...
getting done with my makeups n outfit..
waking him up..hes getting ready..n we go to Tenom right away..
waiting for the others to come..
main daun duluuuuuuuu!!!!
le bf n his cuzzy showing off bout their card tricks with me..
being bullied to pay rm10 just to learn the tricks..
but they end up teaching me neways..haha..
its camwhoring timeee..
families taking pict with popo first..
n then the real ceremny begins..hahahha
ang pao na laiiiiii....
i really enjoyed being unmarried..i just love getting my pocket full with the red packet..
spending the day with gambling, eating and gossiping..
were goin bek home for a bath on 2.30 pm...
but we end up having lunch with his frens since they only served vegan food at Tenom..
then go bek his home..
waking up at 5pm n getting ready to go bek there for family dinner..
being there until 10pm when we finally decided to go bek kgu n goin yamcha with his fren..
help him packing his bag..
playing changing outfits with his jacket for vacay
watching the sorcerer aprentice againnnn..
then we both go to slip...
24 jan 2012 :
waking up...
x haf the mood since hes goin to Japan today..
i rily wish i can go..T_T
everybody keep asking me y i dont wana go..
i want to..i just x haf a good luck this year since im getting a new trainer for my practical year..
n hes strict..
cant extend my cuti few more days..=(
the moment that he sent me home n kiss me..
n the moment when i automaticly hugging him..makes me felt really sad...
truk..but im truly weak when hes not around..
9.35 pm..
hes finally arrived at KLIA..
waitng for his next flight to Jpn..
im gona miss u syg!!!
i'll wait for u to come home..
safe trip..mgbu n ur fam always..
lotsa love