*i hate you*
-for making my life miserable on 2011
-for hurting me with ur attitude
-for making me sad n cry much more then before
-for every hurtfull thing that u have done to me.. (u noe wat ryt?)
*i forgive you*
for everything tat i mentioned above
for hurting me so badly until i almost give up on u
for making me cry
*i learn to *
trust u again
tink +ve always
*i miss *
waking up and c ur face
slipping noeing that u'll be hugging me all night long
`berebut' blanket with u
watching movies with u
gai2 with u n ur funny frens
*im happy*
that u man2 changed urself
always be patience with me
always siak2 me
*thank you*
for making my 1month holiday the happiest ever
giving me the most enjoying xmas n nuyear celebration
for letting me closed with ur sporting families
for spending time to get to noe my families
for everything that u gave to me
*i LOVE U*
no words can express how much iLy..
its almost 4 years now...only few months left..
last year bring me so much sadness..but i hope this year will bring us more luck n happiness..
sorry for kasi susah u sumtimes..
i noe i am stubborn like hell...
n my merajuk gaya rily makes u mad sumtimes...
sorry T_T
as years goes by..i've learnt that i rily syg u n i cant live without u...
no matter what other peeps say bout us i still x care bout it..
i apreciate every day that i can c u..coz every year we only can c each other during holidays..
im sorry b...
people always asked me y i still wana b with u..
nobody is perfect..
like u said...
i shud learn to let go of the past..
n now i finally decided to learnt from it,not live with it...
thanx..for waiting me this long to come back n c u..
maybe im not the one for u, but for me..u r the only one that i rily love this much

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