here i am...
back into my college life.....missing sum1 alot...
families n frens...*aily,chy,vian*
my midsem break was awesome!
having my own ups n down...but i manage to get myself
a tym to relax..(despite of all the assignment)
lifes been great....
goin out wit my bf..
c his new house..n totally in love with it!
i guess its only bcoz he has his own room wit his own bthrum..
which means more privacy ahead ^_^
goin out yam cha wit my darling , aily n chy2..
so funny tat we manage to laugh ourself out no matter wat topic we had there,haha
totally ngam channel..=)
*ty babes*
so his mum was nagging bout how fast i owez wana go bek home...
rather then spending sum tym there...
finally i decided to spend 1 nyt at his house..
been wasting our tyms watching his fav.cartoon --> Lion King! awww...
n watch him playing games till i fall asleep.. -__-zZzZzZz

the next day was totally lame...
as im goin back hum to pack my bags for leaving..
wen im finish im goin out again to take sum photo wit mr.yellow ^^
it was extremely big!

after tat go straight to take a nap at his house, till 5pm only i woke up...
it was tooooo cozy..
making its hard for me to open my eyes..
6pm,im leaving to kk..
bye2 kgau..
hug his mumy for goodbye =(
i felt a lil bit emotional...yeah..
coz i can feel tat i will be bek to kl in a few hours..
but he still sabar wit my childish gaya..
*ty bb*
wen i cry at his house 5 hours before leaving..
he just lay beside me...blur i guess..coz ive been crying so hard..like usual >.<
wen i calm down n stop crying..he took a towel n sat behind me..asking me to sniff out ol my hingus,hahahaha
aww..i felt so kna syg..
just like my father used to do back wen i was a child..
*happy baby*
tats y at the airport i stop cyring n give him my warmth smile..
i dun wana make him wory bout me like before..
i can c he was happy to c me a lil bit hapy again..
*ty avui n jojo*
wen im at kl... hes goin out clubbng wit his fren
but he still manage to find me very hour..
the best part of it,
was wen he admit tat he luf me so much
n ol tat breakup thing n idontloveuanymore was a total lie..
he just do tat to take my attention..
i love him more then he ever knew..
hope 1 day he will notice tat..
he just lay beside me...blur i guess..coz ive been crying so hard..like usual >.<
wen i calm down n stop crying..he took a towel n sat behind me..asking me to sniff out ol my hingus,hahahaha
aww..i felt so kna syg..
just like my father used to do back wen i was a child..
*happy baby*
tats y at the airport i stop cyring n give him my warmth smile..
i dun wana make him wory bout me like before..
i can c he was happy to c me a lil bit hapy again..
*ty avui n jojo*
wen im at kl... hes goin out clubbng wit his fren
but he still manage to find me very hour..
the best part of it,
was wen he admit tat he luf me so much
n ol tat breakup thing n idontloveuanymore was a total lie..
he just do tat to take my attention..
i love him more then he ever knew..
hope 1 day he will notice tat..

uh babe..so sweeeeettt...ty u bah babe..dlm kelam kabut masih cari kami lg..n thx for the treat..hehe lupa oh..=) hope u will rajin2 balik sini..n hope u sempay balik tym house warming..sy suruh uncle tukang kebun lambat2 bikin tu garden..croosing finger ok..muahh..miss u uga..=)
babe...haha,xpa bah,asal can gosip2 wit kamu,next tym i bek we go S k,hahaha..harap2 i can go juga o,but i dun tink so ni chy,impossible..haha
ReplyDeletemy sembreak on mei bh,bday syn pun xdpt p