they c sum1 tat nyt...
whengoin out eating at fastfood rest.
he was so nervous tat she will end up no mud agen...
so he try his best to distract her mind from thinking bout tat person..
coz she doesnt fil anything at all...
she just dun mind bout unimportant things anymore..
in the car,
he's trying his best to make her smile..
making stupid jokes n funny faces...
n she did....
carved a smile upon her face..
coz she rily dun undstnd y he did all tat..
but she do fil a lil bit distracted efter seeing her
goin bek home...
he kiss her gudnyt n give her a warmth hug...
looking in her eyes n said :
dun u ever felt insecure bah k
coz tat only make our rltnshp more harder...
i noe its hard to trust me..
but give me a try...
so i will be motivated to do wats right..
bout my past..
they just puppy love...
n ure the 1st girl tat i've been with tis long..
doesnt tat enuf to show u how mch ily?
no matter how noty i am..its just to take ur attntn..
coz i tot ure doin the same thing behind my back..
im sory for being such a lousy bf..
i try to chnge..
just pmis me tat we wil stop kasi panas each other..
she get out from the car...
wave him goodbye...
n cried...
hes the most stubborn person she ever knew...
n only god knows how hard it is to deal with that guy..
to owez be patience n endure ol the pain tat he gave thru ol tis years..
some people out there waiting for them to break up n LOL..
but still..they stand together for almost 3 years by now..
they been thru alot of probs..
break up, arguemnts n even suicide..
cheating n betrayal..
but only now she realise tat she nid to accept him the way he is..
coz wen we love sum1..we cant only luf the gud side of him..we shud love the bad n gud side of him both..
maybe sumtym he did or say sumthing tat hurt her the most..
but she shud undstnd wat if shes in her shoes...
wat if its him who being far from her...
she luf him so much..
tats the most important thing ever...
is he the one?
hope so!
*crossing finger*
only tym can tell.....
lotsa love
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