my oh my...
ive been so selfish tis tym...
i kept blaming u for evrythng tat happend...
my mouth kip complaining bout how bz u r,
tat u never haf tym for me,
tat u never miss me,
or love me wen im here..
the reality is,
ive been tooo pampered by u wen im there...
we spent most of the tym together...
u never let me go anywhere alone..
no matter how tired u r,u still accompany me goin out wen i want to...
sent me tapau wen i said im hungry..
bring my vitamin werever we go so i wont forget to take it..
take care of me wen im sick...
tahan my stubborness..
patience wit my merajuk attitude..
goin to kk right after working just bcoz i want to watch movie..
there still alot of gud things tat u haf done for me...yah maybe others tink tat im too spoiled by u...
but the fact is,u wont let me be independent babe!
i dy told u many tyms,but u refuse...
u want sum1 to take care off... so blessed...
so wen im here...
n im all alone with u far away from me..
i cant bear to spent 1 day without u colliung n texting me...
ive became selfish...
i want u to spent 24-7 of ur tym wit me..
while on the other hand,
u maybe a lil bit bz wit ur works..
such an immature..
taking decision not to talk n texting u tis 2 days rily makes me awake...
i missed u everminute tat were not texting...
i rily do...
its just my stupidness tat lead us to tis path...
i hate myself wenever i get those -ve thoughts in my mind...
(yah..wen u didnt reply my text..)
but u cant blame me for tat,
u've cheated me once babe...
so dun expect me to start believing u gain tat fast...
there still doubt in my heart..
hopefully u manage to prove to me how much u <3 me... sory i never satisfy wit ur way of proving it.. im a mess... i rily do... so i guess its tym for me to start build my trust in u again... 1 step at a tym... n i shud start to understnd u... tat maybe ure just too bz with ur work... so u dun haf tym to layan me erytym im texting u... maybe u dun noe how to show me tat u love n k bout me wen im here.. but i noe u do babe.. im sory if i push u too hard k? i shud learn to accept u the way u r.. yeah, a guy with no sense of love wenever im far from u... blif me babe,i hate LDR too.. but i love u with ol my heart... n i never let go of tis relationship until we both say so! being love by u wen im near is more then enuf... ive learnt my lesson... n im sory babe.. sumtyms,less is more then enuf..=)
ive been so selfish tis tym...
i kept blaming u for evrythng tat happend...
my mouth kip complaining bout how bz u r,
tat u never haf tym for me,
tat u never miss me,
or love me wen im here..
the reality is,
ive been tooo pampered by u wen im there...
we spent most of the tym together...
u never let me go anywhere alone..
no matter how tired u r,u still accompany me goin out wen i want to...
sent me tapau wen i said im hungry..
bring my vitamin werever we go so i wont forget to take it..
take care of me wen im sick...
tahan my stubborness..
patience wit my merajuk attitude..
goin to kk right after working just bcoz i want to watch movie..
there still alot of gud things tat u haf done for me...yah maybe others tink tat im too spoiled by u...
but the fact is,u wont let me be independent babe!
i dy told u many tyms,but u refuse...
u want sum1 to take care off... so blessed...
so wen im here...
n im all alone with u far away from me..
i cant bear to spent 1 day without u colliung n texting me...
ive became selfish...
i want u to spent 24-7 of ur tym wit me..
while on the other hand,
u maybe a lil bit bz wit ur works..
such an immature..
taking decision not to talk n texting u tis 2 days rily makes me awake...
i missed u everminute tat were not texting...
i rily do...
its just my stupidness tat lead us to tis path...
i hate myself wenever i get those -ve thoughts in my mind...
(yah..wen u didnt reply my text..)
but u cant blame me for tat,
u've cheated me once babe...
so dun expect me to start believing u gain tat fast...
there still doubt in my heart..
hopefully u manage to prove to me how much u <3 me... sory i never satisfy wit ur way of proving it.. im a mess... i rily do... so i guess its tym for me to start build my trust in u again... 1 step at a tym... n i shud start to understnd u... tat maybe ure just too bz with ur work... so u dun haf tym to layan me erytym im texting u... maybe u dun noe how to show me tat u love n k bout me wen im here.. but i noe u do babe.. im sory if i push u too hard k? i shud learn to accept u the way u r.. yeah, a guy with no sense of love wenever im far from u... blif me babe,i hate LDR too.. but i love u with ol my heart... n i never let go of tis relationship until we both say so! being love by u wen im near is more then enuf... ive learnt my lesson... n im sory babe.. sumtyms,less is more then enuf..=)
lotsa love..
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