its funny how we meet each other...the way we hook up..
or the way u propose me to be a part of ur life...
still remember the way u blush wen i said--> *i do*
the way we calm each other wen people talk behind our back..
the way u shout my name wen im running on the track..
the way u dunk and score d points for me....
wer u point u smile towards me and make half of the girls in d court envy ...
theres alot of simplest things u do tat makes me feel appreciated..
n suddenly it ol changes....
u've been too busy wit ur match....we spent less tym together...
no more laugh and happiness...
u took it away from me so fast!
u dun even give me tym to breath.......
then the day comes..wen i told u tat *im gona leave u*..
wen i heard tat u leave the school...i feel much better...
and tats d last tym i ever c u....
and suddnly after ol tiz years...i've seen u again...
u said u're sorry...
but if u reading tiz..i jus wan u 2 noe tat *apology accepted*
coz its u tat i wana say *THANK U*
thank u for hurting me...coz its making me stronger now...
most of all,
thank u for not stopping me tat day, coz now i found sum1 tat i LOVE SOOOOOO MUCH
we both did ryt?
i admit tat u changed alot..much more better then b4..
(wat took u so long??)
but tats alright...coz we both happy now...
tis guy im dated is not as simple as u...hes complicated...but tats wat makes me love him so much...bcoz he makes me feel appreciated..
i love taking care of him..
n i do love him more then u...
bt wat i noe for sure is..i NEVER gona leave him no matter wat...
coz i cant bare to lose sum1 i love for d 2nd tym...
and to YOU fren...
congratulation in advanced for ur coming enggagement..
may ur lyf fullfill wit love and happiness..
like u said *we can hate each other,and keep blaming ourself for everything tat happens bfre..but still we r frens...and frens dun forget bout each other..*
our past is like a butterfly....n now we shud let it go...and build a new life wit our loved ones..

the way u dunk and score d points for me....
wer u point u smile towards me and make half of the girls in d court envy ...
theres alot of simplest things u do tat makes me feel appreciated..
n suddenly it ol changes....
u've been too busy wit ur match....we spent less tym together...
no more laugh and happiness...
u took it away from me so fast!
u dun even give me tym to breath.......
then the day comes..wen i told u tat *im gona leave u*..
u didnt say a word..u just stood there...doin nothing......not even try to stop me wen im leaving...
im sory...tat i've been hating u tis long...coz u make me suffer the whole year...wen i heard tat u leave the school...i feel much better...
and tats d last tym i ever c u....
and suddnly after ol tiz years...i've seen u again...
u said u're sorry...
but if u reading tiz..i jus wan u 2 noe tat *apology accepted*
coz its u tat i wana say *THANK U*
thank u for hurting me...coz its making me stronger now...
most of all,
thank u for not stopping me tat day, coz now i found sum1 tat i LOVE SOOOOOO MUCH
we both did ryt?
i admit tat u changed alot..much more better then b4..
(wat took u so long??)
but tats alright...coz we both happy now...
tis guy im dated is not as simple as u...hes complicated...but tats wat makes me love him so much...bcoz he makes me feel appreciated..
i love taking care of him..
n i do love him more then u...
bt wat i noe for sure is..i NEVER gona leave him no matter wat...
coz i cant bare to lose sum1 i love for d 2nd tym...
and to YOU fren...
congratulation in advanced for ur coming enggagement..
may ur lyf fullfill wit love and happiness..
like u said *we can hate each other,and keep blaming ourself for everything tat happens bfre..but still we r frens...and frens dun forget bout each other..*
our past is like a butterfly....n now we shud let it go...and build a new life wit our loved ones..

thank u fren...u helping me find sum1 whom i loved so much..=)
oh goshhhh!! i really loved this post. :)
ReplyDeletelet the past goes by,, held the future tight... may god bless u girl. ;)
I loved this..!
ReplyDeletesha2 : thnx cyg..its not easy..but atleast i've tried...n i made it =)
ReplyDeleteabigail : thanx for following dear..=) n thanx for liking tiz post..its just my voice within