finally,i can manage my $$ to buy lap,sian my syg..tat money he gave me b4 i kip pakai2 ja,but luckily now is ok liao...
hate my kl lyf coz i nid to wake up early n wash my own clothes..MUMMY!!!!
everythng seem so hard xpcly wt my study...lol,i never knew tat i shud learn about akta n undang2 negara,,sh**..
well im missing my family n frens back at sabah..but most of all im mising him...cant wait to go back sabah tiz cumng sept...WEEEEE~~~~~~~wana clbte my 2 years anniversary wit him..=)
long tym didnt write my blog makes me fil excited,haha....anyway...i juz hpe tat tis new lap wont being stolen again..bankrap me if tat shit hapnd agen...
kinda slipy right now but still haf to acmpny my syg~~~
alot of things hapnd nowadays..but i take it as a challnge for a long distance relationship....no matter how harsh we might be,but still i am craving for him...
losing him is the last thing i ever gona imagine...stil nid syg to kc manja me n syg me..lol....but credits for him coz tahan my manja gaya since 5th of july, (wink~wink)
rily tired n will be resting in a few minutes..starting blog-ing n fb-ing tomorow,
let u b d 1 to noe if sumhng unusual happening today..
p/s got sum new camwhoreing pix to upload..=)
luf n kisses~~xoxo
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