rily hate tis day..huh..coz tomorow i wil go bek to kl.....he kept asking me `y wan go study tat far?'...i dun haf choice baby..so sory!!! if can saya pun xmau jauh o......last nyt goin out dinner wit him..im so happy....he bought me a present from kk..---> patung patrick..hahahhaha..he did manage to make me lauf after ol..he is so funny n swit..=)
goin to YHF to eat chicken salad wit asing...after tat go straight home..huhu...i fil like the tympassed me by soooo fast!
i hate it!
ondway sending me bek..i juz lay down on bb arms n close my eyes..hoping tat i wil lambat reach hum..(wan spent tym wit him bha)
bb juz lauf wen he c me balik2 muk2 dluar..wether i ody near hum or not,heeeee..im sooo stupid la!
but its okla..i wan hi to go ek his hous faster too coz he jz bek from kk..i noe he's tired..
9.30 pm
bb say wan col me but lambat o...he kip ask me to `wait' `wait' `wait'...=(
im getting mad owdy (pms)
i hate the part wen he col me n hedidnt noe wat to say..must me only yang sampat2 n kepohthere..
i mad n didnt say `i looveu' wen he off the phone..im so mad..
but then i realise tat ,aybeheis tired..i shudundrstnd his situation sumtym..coz im owez being over manja until x k wat b fil..sory b....
luf u owez..,uahx
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