wat happend now??
i duno wat to say...
am i being spoiled by his love? coz im asting childish,sensative n overmanja wit him tis few days~~
today bb resting at my hum at d afternoon..he buy me lunch n fren me mamam at my house..im so happy to c him coz i rily miss tis guy soooo much since last nyt..huh!
hes staying at my hous~ duin facebook-ing..psp-ing n eat-ing =)
funny o wen i remember wat i du to him kang chai..
wen he play d psp i get so bored coz he didnt layan me..so i play stupid maic games wit my bro~~i put things inside bb shirt n then suddenly i tell my bro tat his shirt has a magical power..it can make things cum out from it! ahaaks..(actually i put it inside b4)
bb kip laufing n col me --> sot!
but then i start acting selfish again wen bb say he wan go bek kilang for work at 2.30 pm..i say `cnot...' so he juz silent n slip at bek..hiew..y im acting like tis ah? ksian bb..then ilet him go juga..
4.50 pm
bb msg me n ask me wat i du~~he said he miss me n wan bring me go eat at rahmat..so i go ready n wait for him...having dinner wit bb frens..asing n along~~
after finish i go to lot-10 to find clothes (hiew~~rily buruk ol the clothes!) so i x mai anythng..
go straight hum n watching movie wit bb in his car n bb hugging me~~=)
i cry again watchng it..bb juz smile..-_-"
7.40 pm
i start fil lain2 owdy ni..kip mising bb..wen he col me we caught in an arguements again..hais~~
but i cn c bb more patience layan me now..
then i hung up the fon without saying 'i luf u' again..(sory b)
so we juz gaduh in message..bb ask me wat i wan can make me happy?
ten i tel him
`i wan people k me like i k them..
spent tym wit me,wontsay anythng tat cn hurt me..
luf n sy me d way i am..worry if i cnt slip or not eat n many more..tiz is exactly wat i told him~~'
then he said 'im sorry"
he told me tat he is sad coz i owez x mud..then he ask me to share my prob wit him..so i tell him ol..
funny thing is bb ask me to scream n gigit my pillow to make me calmdown! hahahaha
but it works!
n then bb go to slip..
i duno y but i tink im acting like tis is because im so pampered by him..iluf him so much..duno how to live without him..muahxx